How to Invest in International Equity Stocks?

2 min readAug 20, 2021
how to invest in international stocks

2 Ways To Invest In International Stocks

Indian Investors want diversification in Indian Equity for the last 2–3 years and want to invest in shares of other countries.

We all have seen how some international stocks like Amazon, Tesla, and Facebook are doing amazing and today we will talk about how Indian investors can invest in international stocks in these 2 ways.

Directly From Broker Website

There is a way to invest in international stock by opening a Demat/Trading account from a brokerage website.

Either this can be brokerage houses like ICICI Direct, Motilal Oswal, etc. which have a partnership with a foreign brokerage house. Or these can be modern time startup, like Wested, Indimoney, etc. which has a direct relation with a foreign brokerage house.

Once After opening an account, you can transfer money to that account and can do transactions like buying or sell. However, these are too costly, only transfer charges can make these quite costly, especially if you have a small ticket.

Simply this means that this is for the man whose transaction size is big, and the man who wants to choose his stocks by own and manage them.

With Mutual Funds

The second way to invest in international stocks is mutual funds. There is no extra paperwork and no change in the process for the retail investors and this is the best part of mutual funds. You can buy a mutual fund’s unit or can do the SIP in that same way.

Another big advantage is that you get different types of diversities and choices. If you want to invest directly in stock through brokers, you will have choices of USA-based companies mostly.

However, with mutual funds, you can get choices based on countries, emerging markets, or physical areas. Here are some examples.

Based on Countries/Areas

These are the mutual funds that concentrate on specific Countries or Areas.

*DSP US Flexible Equity

*Edelweiss Greater China Equity Off-shore Fund

*Edelweiss Europe Dynamic Equity Offshore Fund

*Edelweiss Asean Equity OffShore Fund

*HSBC Brazil Fund Gr Dir

Emerging Market Funds

These funds mainly are not linked to a country but are based on developed areas and opportunities to invest in shares of different countries.

*ABSL Global Emerging Opp

*PGIM India Global Equity Opp

*Kotak Global Emerging Mkt

*Sundaram Global Brand Fund

*Edelweiss Emerging Mkts Opp Equity Offshore Fund

*Mirae Asset NYSE FANG + ETF FOF

*Kotak NASDAQ 100 FOF

*Motilal Oswal S&P 500 Index Fund

Funds based on a sector

These are the funds that are focused on a specific sector like technology, real estate or consumption, etc. and this feels too promising.

*Edelweiss US Technology Equity FOF

*Invesco India Invesco Global Consumer Trends FOF

*Axis Global Innovation FOF

*DSP World Gold Fund

*Kotak Intl REIT FOF

*DSP World Energy

